How to Keep Your Indoor Plants Healthy & Good-Looking?

Having plants in our lives is the most extraordinary and unbe-leaf-able thing that God has bestowed upon us. They are the perfect way to add a dash of a colour splash anywhere they are put at. Other than adding warmth and serenity to the home, they improve the quality of indoor air, reduce stress levels, boost mental well-being and even make a great gift. And who doesn’t like the scent of soil, these splendorous indoor plants fill our abode with? To continue reaping such benefits, you must give your plants appropriate care. In this writing piece, we present expert-backed tips that will help you take care of indoor plants and keep them healthy and good-looking.

Placement of the Plant

Placement of the Plant

Source: GIPHY

We have been taught since childhood that just like we humans need oxygen to survive, plants need sunlight to survive and thrive. And indoor plants are no different! When deciding where to put plants, understand their needs first. While some plants (brightly coloured foliage) need direct sunlight to propagate, some are Heliophobia (intense, a bit irrational fear of the sun). Rest, the thumb rule is to keep the indoor plants in a partly shaded corner that receives indirect sunlight. Do not expose your plants directly to sunlight over extended periods. Don’t leave them out in the open for many days.

Water Properly

Water Properly

Source: GIPHY

Overwatering is a common mistake most plant parents happen to do unintentionally. Though most houseplants require frequent, thorough watering, you need to make sure whether your plant is feeling thirsty or you need to wait until you water them again. Let the soil dry partially before you water your indoor plants. You can check the moisture of soil by sticking your finger into the top 2 inches of soil. If the soil seems dry, it’s time to quench their thirst. You can also know how dry a plant is by lifting the pot. It will be heavy after watering, lighter as it dries out.

P.S: To save the potted plants from drying out quickly, put a damp sponge at the bottom of the pot below the soil. It will act as a water reservoir.

Mist – But Not as a Replacement to Water

Mist - But Not as a Replacement to Water

Source: GIPHY

One of the ways to take care of your indoor plants and keep them healthy and good-looking is to mist the leaves. It is a nice and no-sweat way to provide moisture to cuttings that develop new roots. It is recommended to mist soft water on the plants. Try to mist them in the early morning and do not mist them when exposed to full sunlight.

Know When to Repot

Know When to Repot

Source: GIPHY

Though any time is a good time to re-pot, the best is just before the growth begins; i. e. spring for most houseplants. Some of the signs that your indoor plants are ready to be repotted are soil dries out quickly, almost no water retention, new leaves take time to blossom, roots propagating through the drainage holes and you see only roots and no soil.

Keep Foliage Clean

Keep Foliage Clean

Source: GIPHY

Dust the dirt off the leaves as they block the sunlight and foster insects. Just take a damp towel and wipe them. In areas with mild winter, take them outdoors and water plants with a garden hose.

So these were some of the sure-shot successful ways to take care of indoor plants and keep them healthy and good-looking. Though the requirements differ based on cultural needs, these general tips will keep your green babies thriving all year long. Rest, you can always gift plants to your loved ones. Here are some houseplants that make a great gift! There are many online plants delivery websites that can deliver your greetings to the doorstep of your choice. Try them out!

About the author


Anushka isn't your average wordsmith! She is a whiz at content curation (crafting content for 5+ years that sings) whose words help you find the perfect gift for every occasion. Be it decoding the language of lilies or sniffing out the hottest gifting trends, she's a popular guide to navigating the wonderful world of flowers. When not busy buzzing in her garden, you'll find her petting every kind of pet on the way, adoring a bubbly anime character and weaving unlimited story plots in her head. So, the next time you come across a piece of content that sparks your imagination, there's a good chance it came from her!