Ideal Set of Questions for Your Valentine on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, a day where affection and thoughtfulness take centre stage. As the expert in crafting moments for 10+ years that linger in the heart, FNP has compiled a thoughtful questionnaire to help you understand your sweetheart’s desires and preferences. These Valentine’s Day-related questions will serve as a helpful guide when planning the D-Day for your sweetheart. Check out some of them below –

What is your partner’s favourite romantic movie or book?
Hint: This will help you plan a cosy night with their preferred romantic entertainment.

Do they prefer a quiet, intimate celebration or a lively, social gathering?
Hint: Once you know their preference, you will be able to organise a day that aligns with their preferred atmosphere and doesn’t barge in their comfort space.

Are there any specific flowers or colours they adore?
Hint: Though you can never go wrong with flowers as Valentines Day gifts, gifting their favourite ones will make the event highly special and memorable.

What is their preferred way to receive affection? (e.g., words of affirmation, acts of service)
Hint: Whether it’s words of affirmation, acts of service, handwritten notes or anything else, knowing their preferred way will assist you in planning gestures that will make them feel most loved.

Do they have a favourite romantic destination or dream getaway?
Hint: You can make potential travel plans or theme ideas for the day.

Is there a particular activity or hobby they find romantic?
Hint: This will come in handy when you two are celebrating your first Valentine’s Day as a couple.

What kind of cuisine or dish makes their heart flutter?
Hint: Since V-Day is incomplete without a romantic dinner, asking him/her about their favourite dish will let you prepare a personalised meal for the special day. Hit the nail on the head with these romantic Valentine’s Day dinner ideas.

Do they have any dietary restrictions or preferences that should be considered in planning meals?
Hint: Ensures that the culinary aspect of the day aligns with their tastes and needs.

What kind of music or songs hold sentimental value for your relationship?
Hint: Aids in creating a customised playlist that adds a meaningful touch to the day.

Do they appreciate handmade or personalised gifts?
Hint: Guides you in choosing a gift that reflects thoughtfulness and personal touch.

Would they prefer a day filled with surprises or a more relaxed, laid-back celebration?
Hint: Knowing this will help you set the overall tone for the day’s activities. Besides, you will be able to strike the right balance between structure and spontaneity.

Do they have a favourite romantic tradition or ritual?
Hint: Guides you in incorporating elements that hold sentimental value.

What is their love language and how can you incorporate it into the celebration?
Hint: Though you would have planned the ideal Valentine gift for husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend, knowing their love language will create a day that speaks directly to their preferred form of affection.

Are they interested in trying something new together, such as a dance class or cooking workshop?
Hint: This will help you two look forward to the day in a more exciting manner. Besides, you two can narrow down your choices for shared experiences.

Do they enjoy activities that involve nature, such as a picnic in the park or a scenic hike?
Hint: Assists in planning an outdoor experience if they have a connection to nature.

What is their preferred way to unwind and relax?
Hint: Guides you in planning moments of tranquillity within the celebration.

Do they have a favourite romantic movie scene or fictional couple they admire?
Hint: Will inspire you to create moments reminiscent of their favourite romantic stories.

These are some of the popular questions that will act as a compass for noob planners, ensuring that the Valentine’s Day celebration is tailored to their partner’s desires. This questionnaire has been prepared keeping in mind the hundreds of thousands of queries we receive regularly. So, get going and start planning for the V-Day already!

About the author


Anushka isn't your average wordsmith! She is a whiz at content curation (crafting content for 5+ years that sings) whose words help you find the perfect gift for every occasion. Be it decoding the language of lilies or sniffing out the hottest gifting trends, she's a popular guide to navigating the wonderful world of flowers. When not busy buzzing in her garden, you'll find her petting every kind of pet on the way, adoring a bubbly anime character and weaving unlimited story plots in her head. So, the next time you come across a piece of content that sparks your imagination, there's a good chance it came from her!