Love can be best expressed through warm and cosy hugs. A hug is the best form of physical contact that expresses all kinds of feelings without even saying a word. However, not every hug is the same. Depending on the type, it can convey several meanings such as love, romantic feelings, emotional support or friendship. In this blog, we decode the different types of hugs and what they say about your relationship.
Tight Hug

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A tight hug says it all! It is a loving, warm and full-bodied hug where you and your loved one embrace each other as if never to be apart. This hug means a lot and carries the most emotions behind it. When your partner gives you a tight hug, with extra squishes, it shows that the person cares about you, loves you and enjoys being around you. This type of hug happens when you are committed to a long-term relationship, meet someone after a long time or bid adieu.
Hug from Behind

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A reverse hug or hug from behind indicates deep feelings. Suppose you are doing some work completely unaware of your surroundings and your partner surprises you, pulling you closer and wrapping you in their arms from behind, this means he or she is head over heels in love with you. The person hugging from behind means that he/she is ready to take responsibility; is fond of you and protects you at all costs. This hug means you are wanted. Guys in particular like this hug since it shows how much their partner is into him and connected to him.
Hug Around the Waist

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Among the different types of hugs, the most romantic type is hugging around the waist. It is the most intimate type of hug where both partners’ waists are aligned, arms wrapped around them and their bodies quite close. The couples may lean back and gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly. This hug represents that the person is happy with you, you are their foremost priority, wants to grow with you and will never betray you.
Side Hug

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When two people hug each other by side, with their arms around the shoulder or waist, it shows friendliness. If you are in a relationship but your partner gives you a side hug, it means he or she is not fully inclined towards you. Side hugs are friendly.
London Bridge Hug

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This hug involves the closeness of the upper part of the body while the lower body stays apart. This hug is a type of cordial embrace that is given when you want to console someone. However, if your partner hugs you in this manner, it shows that he or she is not interested in you or doesn’t feel that comfortable.
The Eye Contact Hug

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They say, ‘eyes are the window to the soul.’ An Eye-to-Eye hug is the most romantic and personal hug of all. Lovers speak out the message of love and intimacy via their eyes. This is one of the best types of hugs that speaks volumes without even touching or coming into physical touch. It touches the soul of your partner and makes them feel at home and wanted. When you get lost in each other’s eyes, it shows you love each other, trust each other and are your true self when around each other.
The Catcher Hug

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The last on our list of different types of hugs is the catcher hug. When you see your man after a long period, you decide to run and hug him. Since you cannot control your feelings and joy of seeing him after so long, you jump into his arms and wrap your legs around his waist. You share such an intimate hug with your partner only.