Rachel Karen Green once said, ‘Didn’t you think you were just gonna meet someone, fall in love and that’d be it?’ But, sometimes, it’s not! In the beginning, it’s relatively easy – things go smoothly, you don’t fight and you don’t miss out on their calls or texts. But relationships are not always a bed of roses. Over a period of time, you might hear from your partner – ‘We need to talk’ or ‘I need some space’. But before these phrases send shivers down your spine, hear us out. This doesn’t mean that your partner is falling out of love. It can also mean – I need to refocus or I need some me-time. Here are some reasons why your partner needs space.
Frequent Arguments for No Reason

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If you are involved in constant arguments over little or trivial matters, your partner would definitely need space. Unnecessary arguments are something that puts them off the most. Giving them space will help you both to pause, reflect and re-centre the attention on solving the problem rather than stressing about it.
Too Many Expectations

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When in a relationship, having expectations is like a reflex. However, it is the most difficult thing of all. Your high expectations from your partner to maintain a romantic relationship can sometimes cause a setback. Expecting the same things they did on your initial dates or courtship period can be a little impractical. Just steer clear of unrealistic expectations and don’t hesitate in giving them space.
Might be Mentally Occupied

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You will find your partner not filling you with details as they used to. Even while talking, you may feel that he/she is showing little interest in sharing details. Don’t get your horses running! This could also mean that they don’t have the mental bandwidth and energy at that point in time. Let them be on their own for a while so that they can process their thoughts.
Feeling of Losing their Individuality

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You have to understand that you two are not a single entity but two separate individuals. This means you two would have different mindsets, ideas and dreams. However, at some point in a relationship, your partner might feel like they are losing their individuality. A healthy relationship is one that has ample room for both partners to comfortably express themselves. In this case, agreeing to disagree is the key.
Have Other Things to Take Care of

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You may feel the connection and vibes are a bit off because of reasons like stress, anxiety and exhaustion. But, it could also be due to the fact that they have a lot on their plate right now – family, work, money, etc. Give them some time to gauge the situation and regain balance so that they can return to their original self in the relationship.
Well, it isn’t easy to hear that our partner needs some time apart. Also, it can be a little troublesome to maintain relationships in today’s fast-paced life. But, the truth is, everyone does need space in a relationship, including you. Sometimes, we start spending too much time with our partner that we feel like missing out on all the other things. But some space can help reset the balance.